Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), especially CVD, are estimated to account for 42% of total deaths in The Gambia
In The Gambia, the probability of dying between ages 30 and 70 years from CVD is more than 30% and this gap is widening.
The uncontrolled CVD epidemic in The Gambia is associated with increasing socio-economic costs with high levels of disability and loss of productivity, further exacerbating poverty, increasing health inequalities and negatively impacting GDP.
The Gambia is one of 34 out of 54 countries in Africa without a basic diagnostic or treatment cath lab leaving people with CVD with no choice and a grim fate.
Even in a low-income country like The Gambia, the poor have the worst outcomes from CVD, largely because of lack of education, their inability to access or afford preventive services and ongoing treatments.
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